shoresh david messianic synagogues


Chanukah Haggadah

Known as the “Feast of Dedication” and “Festival of Lights”, Chanukah celebrates the miracle of the Maccabees’ liberation of the Temple in Jerusalem from Greek rulers. Tradition teaches that during the re-dedication of the Temple, there was only enough oil to light the Ner Tamid (eternal light) for one night, but God caused it to remain lit for eight nights until the purified oil could be produced. Join us and bring your family and friends for this special celebration. For our Chanukah oneg afterwards, please bring traditional Chanukah desserts and snacks, such as Suphganyiot (jelly-filled doughnuts), latkes, and other items made with oil.

To help make Chanukah even more meaningful, Rabbi Steve has prepared a Haggadah (telling) that allows you to have a 20-minute home Service to enrich your time with family, friends, and the Lord.

Please these links to view/download the PDF file for you and your family:

Chanukah Haggadah (pdf)Chanukah Haggadah (booklet pdf)

Chanukah Blessings

On each night of Chanukah, after sundown, place a Shammus (“servant”) candle in the center of the Chanukah Menorah (or “Chanukkiah“).  Then from right to left, add the number of candles according to which night of Chanukah it is. Just as the Hebrew language is written right-to-left, candles are added to the Chanukah Menorah from right-to-left, but traditionally are lit from left-to-right (the newest to the oldest). The Shammus, or servant candle, is used to give light to the others. Light the Shammus candle in the center of the Chanukah Menorah, then pick up the Shammus and recite the following blessings…

Blessing #1

Ba-ruch  a-tah  A-do-nai,  E-lo-hei-nu  Me-lech  ha-o-lam
A-sher  ki-du-sha-nu  b’-mitz-vo-tav
vi-tzi-va-nu  l’-had-lik  ner  shel  Cha-nu-kah. Amen.

Blessed are you, Oh Lord our God, King of the universe,
Who has sanctified us with His commandments
and commanded us to light the candles of Chanukah. Amen.

Blessing #2 

Ba-ruch  a-tah  A-do-nai, E-lo-hei-nu  Me-lech ha-o-lam
She-a-sah  ni-sim  la-a-vo-te-nu
Ba-ya-mim  ha-hem  baz-man  ha-zeh. Amen.

Blessed are you, Oh Lord our God, King of the universe,
Who performed miracles for our ancestors
in those days at this time. Amen.

Blessing #3 (Spoken only on the first night)

Ba-ruch  a-tah  A-do-nai,  E-lo-hei-nu  Me-lech  ha-o-lam
She-he-chi-ya-nu  ve-ki-y’-ma-nu
e-hi-gi-a-nu  laz-man  ha-zeh.  Amen.

Blessed are you, Oh Lord our God, King of the universe, Who has kept us alive, sustained us, and enabled us to reach this season. Amen.

…then, using the Shammus candle, light the other candles(s) from right-to-left.

Happy Chanukah!

Click here to learn how to make your own paper dreidel!

"Chanukah Blessings" by Rabbi Steve

"O Chanukah" by Becca Chefran

"Dreidel Song" by Becca Chefran

"Chanukah" by Marty Goetz

"Chanukah Rap" by Matt Moskal

"8 Days of Chanukah" by Jillienne Cherie

"Maoz Tzur" by Becca Chefran

"Ner Li" by Becca Chefran